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 Pro team - Farm Team - Prospects

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Posts : 647
Join date : 2007-11-01

Pro team - Farm Team - Prospects Empty
PostSubject: Pro team - Farm Team - Prospects   Pro team - Farm Team - Prospects Icon_minitimeSun Nov 04, 2007 1:38 am

Its gonna work like this! In your pro team, you're alowed 23 players(at least 4RW, 4LW,4C,6DF,2GO) the rest in your farm team and the players with letters for stats are your prospects

Dans ton Pro team, tu as le droit a 23 joueurs(au moins 4RW, 4LW,4C,6DF,GO) le reste va dans ton Farm team et les joueurs qui ont des lettres pour des stats son vos prospects.
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